


Date Presented by Article
2025.3.6 Ayako Kitada Distinct transcriptomes and autocrine cytokines underpin maturation and survival of antibody-secreting cells in systemic lupus erythematosus.
Weirong Chen,et al.
Nat Commun.15(1):1899,2024
2025.2.20 Ryota Sato An essential role for TASL in mouse autoimmune pathogenesis and Toll-like receptor signaling.
Laura Lau,et al.
Nat Commun.16(1):968,2025
2025.2.13 Ayako Ohyama Altered X-chromosome inactivation of the TLR7/8 locus and heterogeneity of pDCs in systemic sclerosis.
Yong Duz,et al.
J Exp Med.222(3):e20231809,2025
2025.2.6 Haruka Miki Maternal asthma imprints fetal lung ILC2s via glucocorticoid signaling leading to worsened allergic airway inflammation in murine adult offspring.
Tomoaki Takao,et al.
Nat Commun.16(1):631,2025
2025.1.30 Hiromitsu Asashima Impaired development of memory B cells and antibody responses in humans and mice deficient in PD-1 signaling.
Masato Ogishi,et al.
2025.1.23 Satoshi Akao Type I IFN drives unconventional IL-1β secretion in lupus monocytes.
Simone Caielli,et al.
2024.12.19 Saori Abe Disease-associated B cells and immune endotypes shape adaptive immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination in human SLE.
Caterina E Faliti,et al.
Nat Immunol.26(1):131-145,2025
2024.12.12 Ryohei Nishino CD38 in SLE CD4 T cells promotes Ca2+ flux and suppresses interleukin-2 production by enhancing the expression of GM2 on the surface membrane.
Eri Katsuyama,et al.
Nat Commun.15(1):8304,2024
2024.11.28 Airi Kondo TGF-β-mediated crosstalk between TIGIT+ Tregs and CD226+CD8+ T cells in the progression and remission of type 1 diabetes.
Ting Zhong,et al.
Nat Commun.15(1):8894,2024
2024.11.21 Reona Tanimura Maf expression in B cells restricts reactive plasmablast and germinal center B cell expansion.
Sophie Hillion,et al.
Nat Commun.15(1):7982,2024
2024.11.14 Syusuke Tanaka Autoregulated splicing of TRA2 β programs T cell fate in response to antigen-receptor stimulation.
Timofey A Karginov,et al.
2024.11.7 Taihei Nishiyama Subset-specific mitochondrial stress and DNA damage shape T cell responses to fever and inflammation.
Darren R Heintzman,et al.
Sci Immunol.9(99):eadp3475,2024
2024.10.31  Ayako Kitada Single-cell transcriptome analyses reveal disturbed decidual homoeostasis in obstetric antiphospholipid syndrome.
Chenyang Lu,et al.
Ann Rheum Dis.83(5):624-637,2024
2024.10.24 Ryota Sato Myelin-reactive B cells exacerbate CD4+ T cell-driven CNS autoimmunity in an IL-23-dependent manner.
Mohamed Reda Fazazi,et al.
Nat Commun.15(1):5404,2024

2024.10.17 Ayako Ohyama Recognition and control of neutrophil extracellular trap formation by MICL.
Mariano Malamud,et al.
2024.10.3 Yuya Kondo Fatty acid metabolism constrains Th9 cell differentiation and antitumor immunity via the modulation of retinoic acid receptor signaling.
Takahiro Nakajima,et al.
Cell Mol Immunol,2024(Online ahead of print.)
2024.9.26 Haruka Miki Alveolar fibroblast lineage orchestrates lung inflammation and fibrosis.
Tatsuya Tsukui,et al.
2024.9.19 Hiromitsu Asashima Identification and validation of anti-protein arginine methyltransferase 5 (PRMT5) antibody as a novel biomarker for systemic sclerosis (SSc)
Minrui Liang,et al.
Ann Rheum Dis.83(9):1144-1155,2024
2024.9.12 Satoshi Akao IL-12 drives the differentiation of human T follicular regulatory cells.
Diana Castaño,et al.
Sci Immunol.9(97):eadf2047,2024
2024.9.5 Saori Abe Interferon subverts an AHR-JUN axis to promote CXCL13+ T cells in lupus.
Calvin Law,et al.
2024.7.25 Ryohei Nishino CaMK4 controls follicular helper T cell expansion and function during normal and autoimmune T-dependent B cell responses.
Marc Scherlinger,et al.
Nat Commun.15(1):840,2024
2024.7.18 Airi Kondo EPO promotes the progression of rheumatoid arthritis by inducing desialylation via increasing the expression of neuraminidase 3.
Gan Wu,et al.
Ann Rheum Dis.83(5):564-575,2024
2024.7.11 Ryota Sato Deficiency of CBL and CBLB ubiquitin ligases leads to hyper T follicular helper cell responses and lupus by reducing BCL6 degradation.
Xin Li,et al.
2024.7.4 Reona Tanimura Smith-specific regulatory T cells halt the progression of lupus nephritis.
Peter J Eggenhuizen,et al.
Nat Commun.15(1):899,2024

Syusuke Tanaka

PD-L1- and IL-4-expressing basophils promote pathogenic accumulation of T follicular helper cells in lupus.
John Tchen,et al.
Nat Commun.15(1):3389,2024

Ayako Ohyama

Clonal hematopoiesis driven by mutated DNMT3A promotes inflammatory bone loss.
Hui Wang,et al.
Cell,2024(Online ahead of print.)
2024.6.13 Haruka Miki A single infusion of engineered long-lived and multifunctional T cells confers durable remission of asthma in mice.
Gang Jin,et al.
Nat Immunol.25(6):1059-1072,2024
2024.5.29 Hiromitsu Asashima Vagus nerve stimulation modulates distinct acetylcholine receptors on B cells and limits the germinal center response.
Izumi Kurata-Sato,et al.
Sci Adv.10(17):eadn3760,2024
2024.5.23 Satoshi Akao Disrupted degradative sorting of TLR7 is associated with human lupus.
Harshita Mishra,et al.
Sci Immunol.9(92):eadi9575,2024
2024.5.16 Saori Abe TScan-II: A genome-scale platform for the de novo identification of CD4+ T cell epitopes.
Mohammad H Dezfulian,et al.
2024.5.9 Taihei Nishiyama Age-associated CD4+ T cells with B cell-promoting functions are regulated by ZEB2 in autoimmunity.
Manaka Goto,et al.
Sci Immunol.9(93):eadk1643,2024
2024.5.2 Ayako Kitada Distinct transcriptomes and autocrine cytokines underpin maturation and survival of antibody-secreting cells in systemic lupus erythematosus.
Weirong Chen,et al.
Nat Commun.15(1):1899,2024
2024.3.14 Hirofumi Toko The transcriptional cofactor Tle3 reciprocally controls effector and central memory CD8+ T cell fates.
Xin Zhao,et al.
Nat Immunol.25(2):294-306,2024
2024.2.29 Ryota Sato The transcription factor ZEB2 drives the formation of age-associated B cells.
Dai Dai,et al.
2024.2.22 Ayako Ohyama Xist ribonucleoproteins promote female sex-biased autoimmunity.
Diana R Dou,et al.
2024.2.15 Haruka Miki Activation of ILC2s through constitutive IFNγ signaling reduction leads to spontaneous pulmonary fibrosis.
Natsuko Otaki,et al.
Nat Commun.14(1):8120,2023
2024.2.8 Reona Tanimura Amelioration of Autoimmunity in a Lupus Mouse Model by Modulation of T-Bet-Promoted Energy Metabolism in Pathogenic Age/Autoimmune-Associated B Cells.
Arthritis Rheumatol. 75(7):1203-1215,2023
2024.2.1 Hiromitsu Asashima Bona fide dendritic cells are pivotal precursors for osteoclasts.
Antonia Puchner,et al.
Ann Rheum Dis,2023(Online ahead of print.)
2024.1.25 Yuya Kondo Sensory neurons promote immune homeostasis in the lung.
Masato Tamari,et al.
2023.12.21 Satoshi Akao Activation of the pentose phosphate pathway in macrophages is crucial for granuloma formation in sarcoidosis.
Satoshi Nakamizo,et al.
J Clin Invest.133(23):e171088,2023
2023.12.14 Saori Abe Autoantibodies against type I IFNs in humans with alternative NF-κB pathway deficiency.
Tom Le Voyer,et al.
2023.12.7 Taihei Nishiyama Resident regulatory T cells reflect the immune history of individual lymph nodes.
Anne Kaminski,et al.
Sci Immunol.8(89):eadj5789,2023
2023.11.16 Hirofumi Toko Lrig1-expression confers suppressive function to CD4+ cells and is essential for averting autoimmunity via the Smad2/3/Foxp3 axis.
Jae-Seung Moon,et al.
Nat Commun.14(1):5382,2023
2023.11.9 Ayako Kitada Pregnancy-induced changes to the gut microbiota drive macrophage pyroptosis and exacerbate septic inflammation.
Xia Chen,et al.
2023.11.2 Ryota Sato Interferon-γ production by Tfh cells is required for CXCR3+ pre-memory B cell differentiation and subsequent lung-resident memory B cell responses.
Nicole M Arroyo-Díaz,et al.
2023.10.26 Ayako Ohyama The CD4+ T cell repertoire specific for citrullinated peptides shows evidence of immune tolerance.
Matthew K McElwee,et al.
J Exp Med.220(12):e20230209,2023
2023.10.19 Haruka Miki Mural cell-derived chemokines provide a protective niche to safeguard vascular macrophages and limit chronic inflammation.
Kami Pekayvaz,et al.
2023.10.12 Reona Tanimura Ezh2 Knockout in B Cells Impairs Plasmablast Differentiation and Ameliorates Lupus-like Disease in MRL/lpr Mice.
Xiaoqing Zheng,et al.
Arthritis Rheumatol.75(8):1395-1406,2023
2023.9.28 Hiromitsu Asashima Identification of human exTreg cells as CD16+CD56+ cytotoxic CD4+ T cells.
Antoine Freuchet,et al.
Nat Immunol.24(10):1748-1761,2023
2023.9.21 Saori Abe Spatiotemporal resolution of germinal center Tfh cell differentiation and divergence from central memory CD4+ T cell fate.
Fangming Zhu, et al.
Nat Commun.14(1):3611,2023
2023.7.27 Taihei Nishiyama PD-L1 checkpoint blockade promotes regulatory T cell activity that underlies therapy resistance.
Mandy van Gulijk,et al.
Sci Immunol.8(83):eabn6173,2023
2023.7.20 Ryota Sato Intrinsic B cell TLR-BCR linked coengagement induces class-switched, hypermutated, neutralizing antibody responses in absence of T cells.
Carlos E Rivera,et al.
Sci Adv.9(17):eade8928,2023
2023.7.13 Hirofumi Toko How autoreactive thymocytes differentiate into regulatory versus effector CD4+ T cells after avoiding clonal deletion.
Xuguang Tai,et al.
Nat Immunol. 24(4):637-651,2023
2023.7.6 Ayako Kitada Drivers of heterogeneity in synovial fibroblasts in rheumatoid arthritis.
Melanie H Smith,et al
Nat Immunol.24(7):1200-1210,2023
2023.6.29 Ayako Ohyama Rewilding of laboratory mice enhances granulopoiesis and immunity through intestinal fungal colonization.
Ying-Han Chen,et al.
Sci Immunol.8(84):eadd6910,2023
2023.6.15 Haruka Miki A human model of asthma exacerbation reveals transcriptional programs and cell circuits specific to allergic asthma.
Jehan Alladina,et al.
Sci Immunol. 8(83):eabq6352,2023
2023.6.8 Reona Tanimura Autoimmunity in Down’s syndrome via cytokines, CD4 T cells and CD11c+ B cells.
Louise Malle,et al.
2023.6.1 Hiromitsu Asashima Clonally expanded, thyrotoxic effector CD8+ T cells driven by IL-21 contribute to checkpoint inhibitor thyroiditis.
Melissa G Lechner,et al.
Sci Transl Med.15(696):eadg0675,2023
2023.5.11 Taihei Nishiyama Human T follicular helper clones seed the germinal center-resident regulatory pool.
Carole Le Coz,et al.
Sci Immunol. 8(82):eade8162,2023
2023.3.16 Hirofumi Toko Regulatory T cells suppress CD4+ effector T cell activation by controlling protein synthesis.
Lomon So,et al.
J Exp Med.220(3):e20221676,2023
2023.3.9 Ryota Sato Elevated transferrin receptor impairs T cell metabolism and function in systemic lupus erythematosus.
Kelsey Voss,et al.
Sci Immunol.8(79):eabq0178,2023
2023.3.2 Ayako Kitada The phosphatase PTEN links platelets with immune regulatory functions of mouse T follicular helper cells.
Xue Chen,et al.
Nat Commun.13(1):2762,2022
2023.2.9 Ayako Ohyama Cytotoxic CD8+ T cells target citrullinated antigens in rheumatoid arthritis.
Jae-Seung Moon,et al.
Nat Commun.14(1):319,2023
2023.2.2 Haruka Miki Allergenic food protein consumption is associated with systemic IgG antibody responses in non-allergic individuals.
Sigal Leviatan,et al.
2023.1.26 Reona Tanimura IL-17-producing follicular Th cells enhance plasma cell differentiation in lupus-prone mice.
Vera Kim,et al.
JCI Insight. 7(11):e157332,2022
2023.1.19 Hiromitsu Asashima Epiregulin is a dendritic cell-derived EGFR ligand that maintains skin and lung fibrosis.
Ian D Odell,et al.
Sci Immunol. 7(78):eabq6691,2022
2023.1.12 Taihei Nishiyama Aging-associated HELIOS deficiency in naive CD4+ T cells alters chromatin remodeling and promotes effector cell responses.
Huimin Zhang,et al.
Nat Immunol. 24(1):96-109,2023